NEMWCL The North-East Mid-Week Cricket League 2024

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Park House News

Promotion Push Paused at Prior's Park

 (Posted On Sun 9 May, 2010)

With the fate of the nation about to be decided (vote Labour) PHCC faced their own date with destiny on the eve of the general election.

On winning the toss the plan was simple - bat first, build a commanding total and let the combined bowling firepower loose to precisely set attacking fields.

However like all good theories they're better on paper than in action as PHCC's batsmen struggled once again with only a few lusty blows pushing the total up to a final 71.

Even tight bowling and keen fielding couldn't prevent eventual defeat by 9 wickets. Questions are bound to be asked of the stand in captain who is resembling Gordon Brown - the right man for the job and to turn things around but under pressure to deliver.

Next week sees PHCC in cup action at Cochrane Park

Team: Hearn, Crowe, Gilchrist, Dures, Gurkin, Jackson, Dawson K, Reader S, Reader K, Bandeen

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